1 of 246
Sat 26th May 2012 11:26pm
Hales Street, I think 2004

Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
2 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 12:39pm
Hi Adrian,  Hi all.
It is Hales St, facing towards what used to be the gas showrooms & also the original grammar school on the corner of Bishop St. Last year I visited Huntingdon where they have a historic grammar school, almost identical in size & original internal layout, as this one here, founded by John Hales. 
ps. I will record a pic from where your pic was recorded from, Adrian. 
Decided to pop into town this afternoon & record these.

& one facing the other way.

Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
3 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 6:53pm
Hi Adrian, 
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you would like anymore pics.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Spon End
4 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 7:00pm
I preferred it when it looked like this:

I think that's Hunt's Mineral Water factory on the right?
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
5 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 7:08pm
Hi Dutchman, hope you ok. 
I can't remember it like that, too long ago even for me. I remember the Opera House & the shops on the left. One of the shops on the left had a train-set in the window that if you put a penny in the slot, the train went round a couple of times. Guess about 1954.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Thread starter
6 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 7:14pm
Thank you Philip, you are very kind. I know the picture I took was Hales Street, I just wasn't sure of the year. I remember thinking I must get a photo to show my brother as it was so different to how we remembered it. On the right used to be Mattersons the Ironmongers, and opposite was the Smithfield Hotel. Hales Street used to be such a busy street. Your first photo shows very little change to the one I posted, but the others show an amazing difference. Superb photos, thank you again.
Also a big thanks to you Dutchman, you always seem to have just the right photo for any subject, excellent as always.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
7 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 7:34pm
Hi Adrian. 
I am sure Mattersons still exists, but in Kingfield Road Industrial Estate. During their last years in Hales Street, they had ventured into all kinds of merchandise as well as their traditional ironmongery.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
8 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 7:50pm
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
9 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 8:22pm
It's an absolute atrocity of a street now - I'd barely call it a street. A complete mess. Dutchman, how much of it was destroyed in the war? I love the old picture. Now that is a street.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Spon End
10 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 8:46pm
Just the shops on the left between the Smithfield Hotel and the remaining old shops. The mineral water factory was replaced by Matterson's showroom some time between the wars. The Smithfield was enlarged and remodelled around the same time:

Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Thread starter
11 of 246
Sun 27th May 2012 10:40pm
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
12 of 246
Mon 28th May 2012 8:08pm
On 27th May 2012 7:00pm, dutchman said:
I preferred it when it looked like this:

Love it! What year was this, please? 
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
Spon End
13 of 246
Mon 28th May 2012 8:31pm
Thanks Anne  The picture isn't dated or credited but the transport suggests circa 1910.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
14 of 246
Tue 29th May 2012 4:15pm
They should have reconstructed that street a few years ago rather than building that pointless clock, bridge & assorted other rusting clutter.
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street
15 of 246
Sat 6th Oct 2012 1:34am
Still cannot find any rhyme or reason as to why they knocked it down? 
This name is a reference to Smithfield Market in London, which specialises in meat and poultry. The pub was built on the site of Coventry's one - time cattle market. This had been opened by the City Council to bring the city's previously scattered livestock sales to one place.
In 1862 the land belonged to the estate of the Free Grammar School. It was leased to a Mr King for 42 years for £5, the lease ending in 1900. Mr King had erected a public house on the property called the Smithfield Tavern. There was also a small portion of the land once occupied by the cattle market that was leased by Coventry Corporation.
In 1906 the Grammar School still owned the site and leased the pub to Phillips and Marriott for 14 years for £205 per annum. In 1914 the lease was extended for a further 14 years
In 1985 it was described as a 'city centre mock Tudor pub'. In 2010 it was demolished as part of the Phoenix (Millenium) project and the site is currently a garden.
1861 - 1868 William King
1871 William Johnson
1874 W. Thompson
1879 Guy Fowkes
1886 George Sumner
1890 - 1891 S. Redgrave
1893 - 1894 E. Redgrave
1896 - 1905 William B. Viggers
1906 - 1912 Thomas Pegg Turman
1912 - 1913 Henry Rowbottom
1914 - 1922 Reuben Watts
1924 - 1929 W. L. Eggington
1931 - 1938 S. W. Bennett
1939 - 1940 H. V. Taylor
1862 - 1914 Free Grammar School
Streets and Roads -
Hales Street