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8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School

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Radford kid
31 of 85  Mon 24th Sep 2012 11:49pm  

Hello Runway, nice to see your comments, Colin Walton here. Pilot officer Lewis, sad to say, he has passed away, Malcolm Gardiner when he left the RAF he had the rank of Squadron Leader. He lives near to Waddington, his last station. Dave Ball also now gone. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news. Colin. Sad
Colin Walton

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
32 of 85  Tue 25th Sep 2012 12:47pm  

Hi Colin, sad news indeed. I worked with Dave Ball at Coventry Airport in the 60's and played rugby against him in later years. He played for Coventry Technical College and I played for Coventrians RFC. The day I started work as an apprentice I was placed with Dave and he showed me how to strip a DH Heron undercarriage leg. He was, needless to say, a little older than me but having known him both in the ATC and my early working life the news is very sad. Steve

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Radford kid
33 of 85  Tue 25th Sep 2012 4:52pm  

Not sure if you have seen the YouTube old films I put on this site, most of the footage came from Dave Ball. You may see yourself. Thanks for the reply, I have a feeling we may know each other . Did you go to Clive Cartwright's funeral? A few of the old lads formed a guard of honour leading from the main gate at Canley Crem to the Chapel. I have to say I was very upset hearing of his sudden death, he was so young, story has it he was blowing up a rubber dinghy at the Kenilworth Carnival, he suffer a brain haemorrhage and died the next day. The day he died from what I remember he received his promotion to Pilot officer, the promotion arrived after he had left for the Carnival so he never got to see it. Sorry to be so glum. Colin Sad
Colin Walton

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
34 of 85  Thu 14th Nov 2013 9:06pm  

On 3rd Jun 2012 7:46am, scrutiny said: Remembrance Day Parade Marching past Spencer park towards the Memorial Park on 11th November 1962. And here's the 8F Squadron in 2012 near the same place, featuring Steven Orland...
My word, I'd forgotten how small our Steve was just two years ago! To bring this up to date by a couple of years, here's the 2014 Remembrance Day parade from last Sunday - can you spot Steve now....? (Not sure if they're meant to smile while marching!)
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Perth Western Australia
35 of 85  Fri 15th Nov 2013 2:50am  

Why not Rob, marching (taller) smiling and proud of it. Good on ya' Steve. Wave
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Perth Australia
36 of 85  Mon 18th Nov 2013 11:39pm  

Let's not forget the lads from Ullathorne grammar school who were also 8F Squadron We went to Leuchars in 1962 as well. George Fair, Mick Kennedy and Sergeant Ball who came from Freddie's to start us off when 8F started in Ullathorne . I think it was 1960? My name is Tom Daly, live in Perth, Western Australia, now and ATC was a big deal for me
Tom Daly

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Radford kid
37 of 85  Tue 19th Nov 2013 10:04pm  

Hello Tom, I am old 8F Squadron from Freddie's. Sad to tell you that Dave Ball is no longer with us, I was with Dave when he was at Freddie's. Don't know if you have seen the films I put on YouTube about 8F you may enjoy, although I compiled the film most of the footage came from Dave, have a look. Hope you enjoy. Colin. Type 8F Squadron Cheers
Colin Walton

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Perth Australia
38 of 85  Wed 20th Nov 2013 1:31pm  

I am third from left in the pic at the station Always remember going into the naafi great grub and being warned about the ejection seats in the lightning fighter Tom Daly
Tom Daly

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
39 of 85  Sun 24th Nov 2013 8:35pm  

I know the names of some of the cadets in scrutiny's post no 6 in front of the helicopter. I'm number 6 from the left, a Corporal indeed!! This was at RAF Leconfield in the 70's. I see that WO Bill Duffin is on the RHS of the pic; always a great bloke and still trading on Cov market I read on this forum.The last pic in post no 8 of scrutiny's, in front of a building (The Naafi), is from RAF St. Athan again from the 70's...your's truly 2nd from left in front row and I know some of those names too. Incidentally, our Sqdn CO Flt Lt Brian Bayliss was not in either pic. Both pics were from a time when 8f was at Wyken Grange. Happy days next to the "yoof club" when we used to dodge bricks being chucked over the building at us on parade. I did enjoy their music though Wink I'd enjoy a look round the old 8f place but it's all behind locked-up access now. I'm afraid Freddie Birds was before my time. I can stick the names up if anyone's interested and I have more pics too....somewhere in the loft.
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
40 of 85  Thu 31st Jul 2014 3:52pm  

On 24th Sep 2012 9:07pm, Runway said:
On 10th Feb 2012 1:52pm, scrutiny said:
Memories are made of this. Flight Lieutenant John Ward at the front (or was he a Squadron Leader), Cadet Warrant Clive Cartwright then on the left of the squad Pilot Officer Dave Lewin. The head on Mr Lewins right shoulder is, I'm sure, CWO Derek Smith and behind him I think it's me, Steve Allen. I can spot Dave Ball, tall bloke at the back on the right with glasses and Ian Humphries in the first rank in the middle. When this parade was over most of us found ourselves in the Golden Cross having a lovely illegal pint. Then Leuchars, great camp that. The squadron was definitely the biggest there. It was made up of headquarters flight from Freddie birds, F flight from Caludon Castle School (later combined with HQ) and Ullathorne School flight. I believe they eventually became a squadron in there own right. In the picture at Cov Station the guy taking the register at the front was CWO Malcolm Gardiner who eventually joined the RAF and I believe became a Navigator. I did hear years ago that he had served on the Lancaster of the memorial flight in its early days. Perhaps someone can confirm that. Some of the other cadets there were Phil Tomlinson, Graham Roberts, Bill Duffin, Rick Osbourne (later became CO of 84 Sqd). I wish I could put more names to the faces. Thumbs up
Just a few corrections, officer is pilot Officer Dave Lewitt. Front markers are Dave Johnson and Bill Ashcroft. I was a cadet from 1961 to 1970' left and became a CI when Graham Roberts took over from me as CWO. In 1978 I was commissioned at 8F and later I was CO there for a while before transferring to 84 Sqdn in 1983. Happy days!
Ric Osborne

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
41 of 85  Thu 31st Jul 2014 4:14pm  

On 18th May 2012 8:36am, scrutiny said: I cannot update the first photos but the picture taken of the cadets in front of a "Lanc" was 1952 at R.A.F Hemswell. The pic with C/O Mr Ward and cadets in front of a building (billets or admin block) was taken in July 1973 at R.A.F St Athan. Colin aka Radford Kid, has now turned up another beauty. This one was taken in the Hotel Leofric where they were a guard of honour for a dance group. Colin is the cadet trying to catch a fly, lol. The cadet on the end, one over from Colin, is Dave Johnson whose parents had a veggie stall on Cov market and on the front far left is Bob Parkes (not sure of first name but I think I am right). Anybody know any of the other faces? Cheers
Some other names, Backrow. Geoff Styche,Mick Mohammed,Derek Smith, Tone Brown, ?,?,?,?, John Osborne, Clive Menary, ?, Marsh Front Row missing one is Tony (andy) Anderson
Ric Osborne

Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
dave owens
california usa
42 of 85  Wed 20th Aug 2014 1:51am  

My name is Dave Owens I went to Freddie birds infants - seniors. I graduated in 1964 , I was a member of the 8f ATC squadron at Freddie's .We used to do marching drills on the senior school playground , the p headquarters was behind the science classroom Mr. Clennits class. One of my best memories was after dills on a cold night we used to go back to headquarters and get mugs of Nescafé instant coffee and wagon wheels!
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
43 of 85  Thu 6th Nov 2014 5:16pm  

scrutiny, absolutely brilliant,I had no idea about the topic. I was in 8f in 1942, it had hardly got going then, every so often we were allotted flights in Tiger moths from Ansty Air field, I made it four times, that's how I persuaded the pilot to fly over the bridge I spoke off. Unfortunately I lacked the education for aircrew, so I went to the Sixth Airborne Div.instead, but I did eventually get a trip in a Lanc.
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
44 of 85  Fri 7th Nov 2014 10:29am  

scrutiny, I'd like to add that I was told in the late fifties, (I thought from a reliable source) that 8f had been disbanded because of lack of numbers and interest. Then I lost interest and moving south had no chance to see they were still in operation all these years, now seeing this interest and enjoyable topic I have a lot of egg on my face.And I owe you a big apology, when reading the 'freddies' topic for thinking you had no interest in '8f' but was due to my ignorance. note,we held classes in a wooden hut between a wall and a classroom. The uniform was different, and we wore forage caps.and as far as I can remember, Ansty Aerodrome was the only connection we had with the RAF.Thanks to all for an enjoyable read. Kaga.
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School
Thread starter
45 of 85  Mon 17th Nov 2014 3:38pm  

Hello Kaga, no apology needed, it would take a long time to catch up on all the topics. I went away for a few days on the 7th nov, that is why it has taken so long to find your reply. 8F, as being one of the largest squadrons could supply 120 cadets on a parade so it paid to be an attentive cadet because the number of places for summer camp was limited. Was still growing until they split into two squadrons. I think it is time for Stevie to supply us with some up todate cadet numbers and what they now get up to. Flying in a Chipmonk I had about 4hrs, in an Anson ( training flight) 7 1/2 hrs. Rifle range 22 most weeks, 303 prob 4 times a year. In 1966 offered a chance to obtain my pilots licence but because of commitments could not take them up on it. However on the 10-9-2001 I passed my flying test for a JAR licence, but was grounded the next day because of 9/11 attacks. A few years late but at least I got to fly on my own. Thumbs up
Memories and Nostalgia - 8F ATC Squadron, Frederick Bird School

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