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Annie Osborn School

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1 of 15  Mon 10th Jun 2019 12:51pm  

I taught at Annie Osborne school when I first qualified as a teacher from 1971 until 1973. I taught second year juniors which would now be called Year 4. I'd love to know if anyone using this forum was one of my ex-pupils and know how your lives have unfolded. I was Miss Prescott in those days which caused confusion as there was a Mrs Prescott on the staff as well. I can't remember many of the teachers names except Mrs Mutton and Mrs Jelly (great names for children to make fun of!).
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
2 of 15  Mon 10th Jun 2019 5:31pm  

I'd left by the time you arrived. I was there 63-69. There is very little information about this school on the internet. Names I remember... Mr Scrivener (Head) Miss Ward Mrs Dickinson (Always wore indecently short skirts, and likely left around 69 as she was pregnant) Mr Whithington Mrs Kent (was Jones) Mrs Hopkins Mrs Ashby Mrs Stinson Mrs Mabbutt Mr Wright No doubt more will come to me later
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
Thread starter
3 of 15  Wed 19th Jun 2019 9:29am  

Thanks so much for reminding me of those teachers names. I tried so hard to remember the head's name, but of course it was Tom Scrivener, such a lovely man. He and Mrs Mutton eventually got together! I also remember Miss Ward who I think was deputy head and also Mrs Kent. She also taught 2nd year juniors so I had quite a lot to do with her. Before the days of the National curriculum we just taught whatever we wanted to. I also remember going in one holiday and painting my classroom walls because I wanted some bright colours.
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
4 of 15  Wed 19th Jun 2019 12:18pm  

It was Mr Whithington and Miss Ward that really inspired me. I know Miss Ward wasn't universally popular, but I always found her very fair. Mr Whithington would often take us out on local 'expeditions' to show us things and to make a point. Mrs Kent played the piano for morning assembly, always giving a 'cue note' to let us know when to start singing. - She also scared the proverbial out of me when she caught me playing truant! My time there was generally very happy and in general the teaching staff did an awful lot for the pupils. As far as I know I was the first from Annie's to pass the 11+ and go on to KHVIII. BTW, I think it's Annie Osborn: I don't remember an 'e' on the end. Wink Edit to add... Another teacher's name has come to me, Mrs Best
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
Midland Red

5 of 15  Wed 19th Jun 2019 12:46pm  

Spelling of thread title amended Thumbs up
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
Ann Jackson
6 of 15  Mon 5th Aug 2019 10:34pm  

Work hard, smile and be happy.

Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
Ann Jackson
7 of 15  Mon 5th Aug 2019 10:36pm  

Work hard, smile and be happy.

Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
Ann Jackson
8 of 15  Mon 5th Aug 2019 10:37pm  

Work hard, smile and be happy.

Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
9 of 15  Tue 6th Aug 2019 11:14am  

What years would these be Ann?
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
10 of 15  Tue 6th Aug 2019 12:02pm  

Re Miss Ward. Would that be Edna Ward formerly of Courthouse Green School?
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
11 of 15  Tue 6th Aug 2019 12:50pm  

Her first initial was certainly E. Thumbs up
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
12 of 15  Tue 6th Aug 2019 7:19pm  

If it is the same Miss Edna Ward, I believe she passed away in the last few years. She was an inspirational teacher, much loved at Courthouse Green. My English grammar and spelling ability are much influenced by her.
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
13 of 15  Tue 6th Aug 2019 7:36pm  

I suspect we are talking about the same lady. I didn't know she'd passed on, R.I.P.
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
14 of 15  Mon 12th Aug 2019 2:58pm  

I was a pupil at Annie's from 1986 to 1993 and have wonderful memories of the school. Mrs Stanley was the secretary and the paper registers were huge. The lovely Mrs Jonas was our headteacher for the majority of those years and then Mr Frankish. The term 'Reception' wasn't introduced until I got to Juniors so I was actually called Year 3 twice. My teachers were as follows: Years 1-3 : Mrs Miller Year 3 : Miss Jackson Year 4 : Mrs Burden Year 5&6 : Miss Richardson I remember Miss Ward as a very strict but great teacher, always wore red pump type shoes. I was always scared to enter Mrs Hodge's class if I was sent with a message.

Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School
15 of 15  Sat 14th Sep 2019 6:29pm  

An interesting little picture of the sandpit at Annie's has turned up on F/B. Dated 1957/8 Sandpit '57/8 sourced from 'The Wyken I remember'
Schools and Education - Annie Osborn School

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