I had a vac job on the heavy gang at Old Church Road, mid-1960's. I was employed by a sub-contractor during the "Coventry holiday shut-down" to replace pipework and condensers sometimes over 50 ft up with no safety harness! Often a pipe would not be completely empty and as it swung, balanced in a chain hoist I had clambered up the steelwork infrastructure to put in place, it would empty black tar-like liquid over my jeans. After a week or so my jeans and shoes started to fall apart.
Last time I looked I am still attached to my legs though!
I remember: the heavy acetone vapour of the spinning shops that you entered via air-locks; the noise of the compressors in Acetone Recovery; dismantling the furnace that made acetic anhydride (even stronger smelling than acetic acid) while the firebricks were still hot. "Health & Safety" meant one was left to one's own and workmates' devices!
It was a great gang to work with, who protected me from my inexperience, and taught me respect of those who used their wits to solve real problems.
If, like me, you have eliminated carbohydrates by eating a "keto" diet acetone is a naturally produced substance in the body; otherwise, it is a sign of diabetes. The vapour could suffocate but it is not toxic.