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Churchfield High School

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New Milton
1 of 12  Tue 1st Mar 2016 1:50pm  

Whitley Abbey School has been mentioned a few times, however its predecessor, Churchfield High School, has not. The school was in existence from 1947 to 1955 when it moved to become Whitley Abbey. Prior to 1947 it was known as the commercial section of the Technical College. The original name in 1947 was Commercial High School and was changed about 1949 to Churchfield. The school occupied the old Stoke Park Girls School in Brays Lane from 1947 to 1955. There were about 450 pupils approximately 300 girls and 150 boys. Facilities were limited, without a playing field and other amenities now taken for granted, the assembly hall doubled as the gym. Despite its lack of 'luxuries' the teaching staff were dedicated and achieved good teaching standards. A number of the teachers went on to become headmasters at other schools, namely Mr. Insley, Miss Parncutt and Mr. Jones. The headmaster, Mr. Lewis, became head of Whitley Abbey and so the school continued.
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
Coventry Wyken
2 of 12  Tue 1st Mar 2016 5:06pm  

I attended the junior Commercial at the rear of the Tech pre 1947. The headmaster was Fred Lewis, a real gentleman. Bill Fairman took us for Commerce. Miss Rose was our shorthand and typing teacher, much travelled. The history teacher was a large lady who fired my interest in History. She had a very advanced way of teaching, she would take time with lads that she knew had particular interest and make that the subject for that teaching period. As I remember the lads were on one side, and the girls the other. Cheers
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
3 of 12  Tue 1st Mar 2016 5:59pm  

erwegoagen, During my time Mrs Rose was still there and of course Fred Lewis as headmaster. The commercial subjects were taught to the girls, shorthand and typing. There was an attempt to teach the boys metalwork and woodwork but to do so we had to walk to Frederick Bird's and back for lessons, as there were no workshops at Brays Lane so that seemed to fade away. The boys were taught in the old part of the school and the girls in the newer extension.
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
4 of 12  Wed 7th Feb 2018 3:34pm  

Here is photo of the predecessor of Whitley Abbey school badge. It is a cap badge, that I have had for 65 years, for Churchfield High School, immediate predecessor of Whitley Abbey 1947-1955.
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
Midland Red

5 of 12  Wed 7th Feb 2018 4:36pm  

A real bit of Coventry history - thanks, Argon Cheers
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
Gas Centre
Perth Scotland
6 of 12  Wed 7th Feb 2018 8:56pm  

This picture was of myself before I started Churchfield High School in 1952-53.
Alan H

Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
7 of 12  Thu 8th Feb 2018 3:29pm  

Brings back memories Gas Centre. I have two panoramic school photos that I bought on eBay, 1955 and 1954. I guess you will be on those. It may be possible to post those on the forum with some effort, if anyone will be interested, after all l they are a social history of a school almost forgotten.
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
Gas Centre
Perth Scotland
8 of 12  Thu 8th Feb 2018 4:17pm  

Hello Argon Thank you for your post and yes it does bring back memories. I presume you attended the school, if you did we would have been there at the same time I think. Are you male or female, the boys and girls were separated. Perhaps you can identify me on the photo you have from the one I have posted. My classroom was directly opposite the main entrance, Fred Lewis's office was on the right side as you came through the entrance, I think the classroom on the right was 2S. The boys in 2S were given a second chance to take the entrance exam at the age of thirteen. Would be nice if you could post the photograph on the site. You are correct, I think the school is almost forgotten. Look forward to your next post. Alan H.
Alan H

Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
Gas Centre
Perth Scotland
9 of 12  Thu 8th Feb 2018 4:22pm  

Argon I should have said the classroom on the left was 2S. Alan H
Alan H

Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
10 of 12  Thu 8th Feb 2018 5:40pm  

Alan, I was at Churchfield from 1948-1955, and so am older than you. I will attempt to post the photos that I have as soon as possible, once I have worked out the best way to transfer a panoramic photo. I suspect it will be in segments to be clear enough to make out detail. Incidentally I think that many forum members will recognise some of the teachers as many went on to other schools in Coventry. Roger Ganley (Kenilworth House). Alan, After thinking about the posting of the school photos on the forum I am not comfortable about copyright law and so will not continue
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
11 of 12  Wed 13th Nov 2019 9:22pm  

These photographs were taken from a panoramic one by a real amateur (me), so please don't criticise the quality. Dated 1953. CHRISTCHURCH BOYS.
Schools and Education - Churchfield High School
New Milton
Thread starter
12 of 12  Wed 13th Nov 2019 9:27pm  

Schools and Education - Churchfield High School

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