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Finham Park School

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1 of 5  Sat 21st Feb 2015 10:32pm  

Hi I am new to this site and wondered if anybody had any pictures from their school days at Finham Park. I was a pupil there when it first opened in 1970 I think the headmaster then was a Mr Slater. Prior to that I was a pupil at Finham junior again can remember the Headmaster who used to tell us stories about a mice called George. Smile
Schools and Education - Finham Park School
2 of 5  Sat 21st Feb 2015 11:12pm  

Hello & welcome to our Coventry forum, Debron, Wave Thank you for your post & let us so what transpires. Thumbs up
Schools and Education - Finham Park School
3 of 5  Wed 16th Mar 2016 6:55pm  

We just got back from seeing 'Jackie the Musical', at the Belgrade Theatre, in Coventry, it's set in the 1970s. One of the songs they performed during the performance reminded me very much of the Friday lunchtime discos, that used to be held in the Theatre at Finham Park Comprehensive School in the early 1970s. I have very clear memories of dancing something called 'reggae lines' (a sort of primitive line dancing), to Tiger Feet by Mud. They performed this song during the performance, along with a host of other songs that I could remember! My experience of secondary education in Coventry was strange really, we were part of the first large intake in (I think) 1970, when Finham Park was a new school. So, apart from 30 or so pupils who were in the year above us, who had attended Cheylesmore Secondary Modern for a year, we were always the oldest children in the school - it expanded as the years went on. I was in Cryfield House and Mr Parkinson was our House Head. BTW Can thoroughly recommend the Belgrade Theatre as a venue to see a play now - we enjoyed it so much we've booked to see 'A Perfect Murder', in a couple of weeks time!
Sue Lowe

Schools and Education - Finham Park School
4 of 5  Wed 16th Mar 2016 7:43pm  

Hello Debron, I was also part of the first intake at Finham Park, and also attended Finham Junior School, so we probably knew each other in the late 1960s/early 1970s. From memory, Mr Williams was the head of the junior school, and I was in Mr Teague's class in the final year. I think Mr Day was in charge of the other year 4 class at Finham Junior. I can also remember being in Mrs Chamberlain's class, and Mrs Dooley's class, again at Finham Junior (3rd and 2nd year? I can't recall the exact details.). But, I do remember there being a lot of Susans - (Susan Davies (me), Susan Hall, Susan Kelly plus others.). We all sat on the same 'table' (desks pushed together?) which caused a lot of confusion!! Prior to that I went to Finham Infants in Brentwood Avenue, and can remember Ms Alder, who was lovely, and, Mrs Vincent (I think we used to call her 'Vinegar Bottle'), who was in charge of the reception class (4 and 5 years), this would have been in about 1963/4. I recall her being absolutely awful to us, and, have a clear memory of vandals who had broken into the school, and had balanced powder paint on the teachers' door (the teachers used to enter through a different door to us pupils.). Mrs Vincent had white hair which was suddenly powdered bright red from memory. Can anybody else remember this? She used to wear very tailored navy blue suits from memory. I was in various sports teams at Finham Junior and Finham Park (I was shooter in the netball team at Finham Junior in 1969 for example), and also have 'annual', photos - I will try and scan them in, but, it will probably take me some time to track the photos down and do the required technical wizardry. Kind regards. Sue
Sue Lowe

Schools and Education - Finham Park School
Midland Red

5 of 5  Sun 5th Feb 2017 8:18pm  

Brian Parkinson BA (Hons), former teacher at King Henry VIII School 1965-1970 and Finham Park Comprehensive School 1970-1994, passed away on 15th January 2017, aged 77 years. Post copied from topic King Henry VIII Grammar School on 5th Feb 2017 8:19 pm
Schools and Education - Finham Park School

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