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Alderman's Green Primary School

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1 of 44  Mon 2nd Feb 2015 8:25pm  

Did you go to this lovely school in the late sixties to the mid seventies? I was Nichola Faxon back then!! I remember the annual Field Day, Christmas shows, swimming at Livingstone Baths, pond dipping in the Slough, the brilliant but scary Miss Turner and my lovely nursery teacher Miss Lesley Anne Davis!
Nichola eaton

Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
2 of 44  Tue 3rd Feb 2015 7:27am  

Welcome to our little forum Nichola! We've had plenty of memories for my old junior school in Briton Road, so I sincerely hope you get plenty of nostalgic memories for this new thread of yours for Alderman's Green Primary School. Thumbs up
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
3 of 44  Tue 3rd Feb 2015 12:50pm  

Rob, somewhere there is an historical group that did the original Aldermans Green Primary School, which was actually just inside Lentons Lane. The school started around 1900. They printed a great interesting booklet on the school. I lent my book to someone years ago, never returned. Thought the group would show up on this forum. The book covered people from Longford to Woodway Lane, generation after generation attended that little school, hope someone on this forum knows about the group.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
4 of 44  Tue 3rd Feb 2015 6:27pm  

I remember seeing a picture taken in the school (some time before it closed), on one of the local groups. I think it was copied from a small booklet which Bell Green library had/has which I borrowed a year or two back. The picture showed two or three teachers and quite a number of pupils sitting at their desks.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
5 of 44  Tue 3rd Feb 2015 8:44pm  

Is this the book you were talking about Kaga?
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Shropshire, UK
6 of 44  Mon 2nd Mar 2015 9:45pm  

Hello Nichola, my mum was a "dinner lady" at Aldermans Green school as she lived almost opposite. She worked there from around 1960 until she retired which would have been the late 1970s, I think. She was Mrs Pollock, I wonder if you remember her? After she retired lots of young people would greet her when we were out, and she would say she knew them from the school.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
7 of 44  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 12:27am  

I am looking at this book now, very interesting if you have family connections with Hawkesbury, some great old photographs including one of my nan and grandad Simpson and their baby my auntie Louisa and another one of Bridge Cottage, Tusses Bridge where I used to live
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Melbourne Australia
8 of 44  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 5:14am  

I went to Aldermans Green Primary School in about the mid to late 50's. If I remember correctly Miss Mann was the infants headmistress and Mr Bourne the juniors headmaster. I also remember I had Miss Turner in my last year there and I was very frightened of her but I think she must have been a good teacher. I remember two dinner ladies very well, one a round short lady and the other a tall thin lady. I remember exactly what they wore and looked like but unfortunately I cannot remember their names. I used to like to hold the round lady's hand as she was always so cosy warm. Other teachers I remember were Miss Nicholls, who had red hair. I remember one day we made bread and she threw a bread stick across the room hitting a boy in the head as he wouldn't stop talking! She made him cry and I was glad because he once stabbed me in the hand with a pencil and I still have the scar!! I remember I caught Mr Jones (my teacher one year) kissing another teacher in the book cupboard during playtime and I never ever told a soul until this day. I think they got married at the end of term so I guess that makes it ok? In junior school I was bell monitor and I remember one day ringing it an hour early. All these years later I still feel embarrased about that. Blush I remember sitting in the big hall to do my 11 plus and also a school play (A Christmas Carol) in the same hall, where I was the one behind the scenes who had to bang the gong 12 times for the ghost to come at midnight. I was petrified that I would strike 13. (Why did I get all the difficult jobs!!) I enjoyed my time at Aldermans Green before going on to Foxford. Gilly Wave
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
9 of 44  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 9:11am  

Paul guy, any chance of putting some of those photos on here?
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
10 of 44  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 9:05pm  

Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
11 of 44  Wed 4th Mar 2015 5:19pm  

paulguy, hi, thanks for the pictures, that's a nasty slope by the side of the cottage, can't believe I drove a pony and float, up and down there everyday for about three years. College's daughter taught at the little school for a very long time. And where the trees are at your side gate there were two or three cottages. Now opposite Stringer's shop there were a family of Oldhams, any connection to you? And past Stringer's garden the four cottages that stand back a little way were built for old man College when he retired, plus income from three of them. The houses on the other side of the road to Bridge Cottage, but below the power station, were built in 38/39 time, up till then it was a field, with a chimney sweeps shed in the corner. I have no idea where they built the new school this thread is about.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Shropshire, UK
12 of 44  Wed 4th Mar 2015 9:18pm  

The new school was about half a mile from Tusses Bridge, just past the Slough (or backing onto the Slough I imagine). Between the Miners Arms and the Bird in Hand, on the other side of the road.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
13 of 44  Wed 4th Mar 2015 9:27pm  

Kaga, there is a Bill Oldham living about 100 yards north of Canberra Road. He and his late wife ran the paper shop / Post Office on the corner of Canberra Road and I guess he would be mid to late 80`s. I wonder if he was one of the Oldhams you are referring to. Did you live near the level crossing from Victoria Farm colliery?
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
14 of 44  Wed 4th Mar 2015 9:32pm  

This school was rebuilt about two years ago. It was moved to a site just north of the original school and fronts onto the small drive next to the Slough car park.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
15 of 44  Mon 30th Mar 2015 6:13pm  

Greg, sorry for the delay, Yes, if he lived opposite Stringer's the shop, when he was a boy, we were mates, we went to school together, he is 87. Greg, I lived right under where the highway is now, from a photo I recently saw. Now, Alderman's Green school was just inside Lentons Lane, it had only one classroom, and one teacher, with a coke stove, so in the winter the fumes could be a bit 'heady'. So you had pupils from the age of five to eight, in the one classroom, being taught by the one teacher, with large families like ours, that teacher had a child from the family to teach, eldest to youngest, over a span of something like thirty years, and there were many families like that. Opposite part of the playground on the other side of the road there was a small avenue of trees that led to the small church, this church was thought to be on giant iron wheels sunk into the ground, the ceiling was painted like the sky at night, lovely little church, the vicar was from Longford, believe he held service every other week. People were much closer then, never heard of a robbery, although doors were left open in the summer. Greg, should you see William, please convey my regards. Thank you. Kaga.
Schools and Education - Alderman's Green Primary School

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