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Lost Coventry views (photos wanted)

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Helen F
16 of 19  Fri 31st Dec 2021 6:07pm  

Some of my requests have been answered. Parts of the mid to north end of Cox Street. I've got bits of both sides but some images are very poor - still missing some sections but a lot fewer than before. Blitz photos filled in a few blanks The south side of Cow Lane from halfway to the corner of Little Park Street and then round until you get to Banner House. This whole area became a factory - I found a sketch of part of the south side of Cow Lane On the same side of Little Park Street but further south, there are about three houses south of Bridgeman's including a ladies' seminary that are unknown. These might have been demolished too early for photography but were still there in 1850 - got a sketch of the seminary but the others are still unknown The buildings on the north side of Earl Street, where they built the Council House. I have clues as to what they looked like including some sketches at the back but maybe there are some photos too, especially of the ones on the corner of St Mary Street - between Rob and Neil this is complete. The east half of St John's Lane, particularly the south side - found quite a lot more images of this area. The final area that I feel certain must have been better recorded was the south end of Much Park Street. I've got bits of this area but not much early from the south side before Short Street and the school were built - I still feel that there might be more out there.
Local History and Heritage - Lost Coventry views (photos wanted)
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17 of 19  Sun 17th Mar 2024 9:09am  

Exciting Discovery! I've been in touch with a chap called James Cooper on Facebook. He has recently added on the Visit Historic Coventry page a collection of new fantastic old Coventry images, several of which I've not seen before. James wants to get these added to Coventry Digital (Ben I'll been in touch about this when you are feeling better!), however, for now has agreed to let me post some on here. As such, look out for some great thread updates which I will label as the "Cooper Collection". This was the background - In the late 1970s my Dad found a folder of negatives during a house clearance and kept it hoping they showed some interesting scenes of Coventry. 45 years later we developed them! Can you help identify where and maybe when these were taken? I'll share the identifiable ones with Coventry Digital archive.
Local History and Heritage - Lost Coventry views (photos wanted)
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18 of 19  Sun 17th Mar 2024 11:02am you can probably tell, I've been somewhat excited by these new photos. Amazing what keeps turning up! Double thumbs up
Local History and Heritage - Lost Coventry views (photos wanted)
Helen F
19 of 19  Sun 17th Mar 2024 11:36am  

Well between a new eruption and these, I wiped my morning out Lol Double thumbs up Lol
Local History and Heritage - Lost Coventry views (photos wanted)

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