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Ratepayers' Associations

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1 of 5  Wed 12th Dec 2012 1:30pm  

Years ago as i can remember in the 50's my parents belonged to a ratepayer's association where they payed so much per month/year along with there neighbours into a fund and that entitled them to use tools for decorating, eg ladders, paste boards, garden tools, chimney sweeping brushes etc. I used to go with my dad to a house in Sullivan Road to book the tools at least two weeks in advance the chap that kept the equipment had a small holding and we lived in Sewall Highway and I know it was used by the majority of residents in those two streets. Has anyone got memories of any other such associations.
Memories and Nostalgia - Ratepayers' Associations
2 of 5  Wed 12th Dec 2012 1:54pm  

Yes bernie. There was one in Allesley Park. I don`t think it was called ratepayers though more like residents association. I borrowed things like wallpaper strippers, ladders, carpet stretcher etc. I don't know whether it is still operating as I left the area 6 years ago. It was very handy and I used it regular Cheers
Milly rules

Memories and Nostalgia - Ratepayers' Associations
3 of 5  Wed 12th Dec 2012 4:12pm  

The ratepayers were quite well organized way back then .I remember that there were always Ratepayers candidates standing in most wards for local elections .
Memories and Nostalgia - Ratepayers' Associations
4 of 5  Wed 19th Dec 2012 11:14pm  

Radford ratepayers association was a thriving set up. All equipment was stored in a house on Radford Road, which was a dozen or so houses down from the Army site.
Memories and Nostalgia - Ratepayers' Associations
5 of 5  Thu 20th Dec 2012 7:30pm  

Unfortunately, the Allesley Park one closed some years ago through lack of volunteers, though the Residents Association continues to operate.
Memories and Nostalgia - Ratepayers' Associations

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