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Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!

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31 of 50  Wed 20th Dec 2017 11:19pm  

Morning (or should I say evening) to you all. Hope you are all keeping well. Just a quick heads up here about a talk I'll be giving at Coventry Central Library on Jan. 26th, 2-4pm. It's about my recent Dirty Stop Outs Guide to 1970s Cov and I plan on including plenty of time for memories and stories from the audience. All welcome! Best wishes for the festive period. PS I have image of the poster from the library but still haven't figured out how to upload images....
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
32 of 50  Fri 22nd Dec 2017 6:45am  

Where else in town can you get it Ruth? Could not see it in Waterstones yesterday?
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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33 of 50  Fri 22nd Dec 2017 10:31am  

Hi NeilsYard, seems my previous response didn't show up. The book should still be in HMV, I was told there were copies there. Hope you can get hold of it. Waterstones should have more copies soon but I guess after Xmas now. Or you can get it online from ACM Retro, the company who brought the book out or through Amazon. Hope that helps! All the best and have a lovely festive season!
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
34 of 50  Fri 22nd Dec 2017 8:13pm  

Thanks - and you Ruth Wave
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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35 of 50  Thu 11th Jan 2018 3:47pm  

Hi there Forum members! Thought I'd let you know that I'm now researching for and writing the follow up to 1970s DSOuts Guide to Cov - The 1980s! Any memories, stories, anecdotes, pictures/images for 1980s of pubs, nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, bands, shops etc. Please do get in touch! Would love to hear from you. People seem to be liking my 1970s book and I want to do a great job with the next one. All the best, Ruth
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
36 of 50  Sat 13th Jan 2018 9:56am  

Hi Ruth - I should be able to assist with that one - I contributed to a lot of the Friday/Saturday night city central local economy during the mid-80's! Big grin Cheers There's a couple of threads already which may be useful - Mr George / Park Lane / Mr G's Club and City centre pub and club crawl I've some photos somewhere I'll try to dig out of me in a not so glamorous city centre state!
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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37 of 50  Sun 21st Jan 2018 1:46pm  

Thanks so much NeilsYard! Great stuff. Would love some memories/stories from you and some pics! You did a grand job I'm sure contributing to the central local economy! It's hard work, but had to be done.... look forward to hearing! Ruth Thumbs up


Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
Midland Red

38 of 50  Mon 26th Feb 2018 8:10am  

Telegraph article Thumbs up
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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39 of 50  Tue 27th Mar 2018 2:10pm  

The Telegraph got there in the end! They've had various problems but better late than never with the article.
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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40 of 50  Tue 27th Mar 2018 2:16pm  

Hi there! Hope people are getting ready for the Spring, keep being told it is coming! What is coming soon is an event at the former Cov Evening Telegraph Building in Corporation St, April 7th, 1-5pm. It's an informal gathering if you like of anyone who was a 'dirty stop out' in the 1970s or 80s or is just interested in coming along. Well worth a visit to the space while it's still open to the public! There is URBAN cafe selling refeshments and food, I'll be there with my 1970s book ready to chat to people about it and also just to chat in a relaxing atmosphere! Maybe you're interested in the book I'm writing now, about the 80s and would like to share some memories of that period or maybe you're just a 70s dirty stop out? There will also be free tours of the building and low key 70s/80s music playing. Just come along even if to say hello! I'd love to see you as would Clare, who runs the CET space. All the best Ruth
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
41 of 50  Fri 30th Mar 2018 4:45am  

Now there's thing! It coincides with the date I suggested for a forum breakfast. It'll be worth making a day of it. Big grin Big grin
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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42 of 50  Fri 27th Apr 2018 10:48am  

Sorry for delay in saying a big thanks to you Dirty Stop Out Supporters! I'm nearing the end of writing the next one on the 1980s. There is still time for you to get any memories, plus pics, over to me about the nightlife, and daylife, of our fair city in the 80s. Tiffanys, Cov Apollo Theatre, Busters, Dog and Trumpet, Shambles Arcade, the market, Owens, General Wolfe, Warwick and Cov Uni Student Unions, Brandon speedway, the fair, the carnival - loads of places and things going on. Look forward to hearing! Have a lovely day, don't get wet Ruth Wave
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
43 of 50  Sat 12th May 2018 5:00am  

Hi Ruth - whilst being completely hopeless at tracking down my 80's photos from my attic stash of Truprint imagery and such kind - someone's just kindly stuck this on Facebook - yes that's me in the centre with arms folded - IIRC this was actually at the Allesley Hotel for a friend's wedding but kind of shows the cutting edge of fashion of the era - namely white / Antony Price'esque wannabe slacks / stripes and sunglasses! Needless to say there are some other hair-dyed / eye-linered polaroids in a New Romantic type pose but these will be banned forever!
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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44 of 50  Sun 12th Aug 2018 4:23pm  

Thanks so much NeilsYard! Great pic, love the clothes and the pose. Sorry for delay in responding. Hoping for Sept. publication of the 1980s book but might be able to get this pic in still if you don't mind? Let me know, drop me a line. Once I have publication date then I'll be planning some book signing events plus a launch somewhere appropriate! Watch this space. Speak soon. Thumbs up
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!
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45 of 50  Wed 5th Sep 2018 10:56am  

Morning all! My new book on 1980s Coventry will be out at the end of the month! Some of you here have shared great memories and pics so many thanks for your support. There will be a book launch at the Golden Cross on Oct. 5th 8pm onwards. Do come along if you can! To read more about the book, click on the link here. If you did wish to purchase an advance copy, you can do so here as well. There is also a new Facebook group for the 1980s book - do join if you'd like to! All welcome. All the best, Ruth
Sport, Music and Leisure - Dirty Stop Outs from the 1970s & 80s!

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